Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Epic fail...

NaBloPoMo has turned into an epic fail. I haven’t posted in over a week (I think)! This got me thinking about other epic fails that have happened. Now, in my mind an epic fail isn’t this catastrophic, life changing event. Rather is it something goofy that you do over the course of an average day that’s pretty darn funny to look back on, but kind of sucks at the moment. Luckily for you all I have TONS of those (like last week when I managed to spill my entire glass of red wine into my soup bowl. Positive: no red wine stains….Negative: no red wine). Here’s a few that epic fails that I can think of off the top of my head.

1. Drunken Dancing - There isn’t a particular story behind this one, but instead encompasses pretty much every time I drink and decide that I can dance as well as beyonce. I can think of one time in particular at the campground that I was feeling pretty wonderful and decided to cut a rug at a campground dance (hmmmm). I thought I kicked ass and that this cute little girl was staring because I was sooooooo good. Right. In reality I think I probably looked a bit like Elaine from Seinfeld.

2. Falling in a Sink - I am a high school teacher. For those of you who have never had the privilege of stepping foot in front of a classroom, sometimes it takes a little looniness to gain their attention. In a past life I was a gymnast and I like to think that I still have some of that coordination. I am also horribly short and sometimes like making myself a little taller. My old classroom had lab benches that went all around the classroom and made for a perfect little elevated walkway. Until I stepped into a sink….and feel off said lab bench. I don’t think my kids remembered what I was teaching about at that moment.

3. Security Breach at Los Pantalones - Sometimes when teaching students will giggle at you when you get in front of the class. Usually this means that my pant leg is tucked into my sock or I spilled something on myself so I usually respond with a standard, “What…is my fly down?” Makes for a pretty funny moment when it actually is.

4. Locking myself on a 3rd floor deck…On a 90 degree day…in full sun…in my bathing suit….with no one home. I ended up having to break into my neighbors apt. by shimmying down the roof (in a two piece….cute) and breaking in to their window. Nice. Luckily they weren’t home and I walked away with burned feet, minor dehydration, and a great story!

How bout you guys? Any epic fails?


  1. It's been a long time since I've done epic fails, like eating too many jello shots and the throwing up that follows. Most of them occurred during college.

  2. I totally face planted in front of my class once. I was walking behind my big lecture desk and, it must have been like a movie, I just disappeared as I fell flat in front of me. I got up laughing, so all was well...
