Monday, July 12, 2010 Promised

I promised some pictures last time around so here goes nothing.  This is the first ultrasound picture we got when I was about 7 weeks along...Looks like a little worm to me.

Now normally I would never show you a bare picture of my stomach (which has ALWAYS been my problem area when it comes to wait) but considering that its like a million times smaller than its is now, here's me at 11 weeks pregnant with no real bump...though if you ask me there's one there :)
Here's another ultrasound...this one was from 12 weeks along.  They couldn't find a hearbeat (everything was fine) so I got to get an extra peek at my little one.  I'll take it....
Looks a little more like a baby here :)  And finally....the most recent picture I took of myself at 15 weeks.  Finally starting to show a little bit and loving every minute of it.  What a relief it is to not have to hold in my stomach anymore!  Not that I could if I wanted to....

Looking at that less than a week later Im' thinking I should take another one....I've grown again....

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