First, hubby and I celebrated our 1st anniversary on July 11th. We didn't do anything super crazy, just a nice quiet dinner out just the two of us at a new restaurant. We went to a place called The Russell in Hartford that is a caribbean-ish themed place. The food was delicious and they even had fried yucca...possibly my favorite thing in the world. Plus, hubby got me a video camera :) so that means there will prob be some video posts in the near future. Here's our anniversary in one photo...including the cake (which by the way...TERRIBLE idea to eat it a year later.)
We also finally got our pool up and running. It needed a new liner and since we're cheap we didn't want to pay to have someone do it. We got my family and some family friends together to lend a hand and we now have a lovely pool to enjoy. Better late than never. Here's the boys hard at work....(I was supervising, I swear).
And last (but certainly not least) we have officially found out what whether we're having a boy or a girl this December. We had a bit of a rough go of things the past few weeks (I'll post about it one of these days), but thankfully everything is going well and the baby's doing great. Here's a picture of me at 19 weeks pregnant and I'm finally starting to really look pregnant.
Annnndd......we're having a little.......
BOY! So excited. And I'm sure he loves that I just posted his boy parts for all of you to see. Here's a face shot just for good measure. Isn't he cute?
Think that's it. Look forward to another interesting blog entry later this week as a late response to MamaKat's Writers Workshop.
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