Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm a Mom...

I've clearly neglected this blog, so this post will probably be epic in length.  Sorry in advance, but I have a lot to catch you up on.  As you can probably tell from the post, Evan Keith arrived on Dec. 29th at 1:09am (ironically, on his due date despite the fact that we tried to evict him two days before) weighing in at 6lbs. 3 oz. and 19.5 inches.  Here's the story...

We went into the hospital Sunday at 4 to start an induction process because my blood pressure had gotten a bit high.  We settled in and started Cervidil (a cervical ripining thingy) at 6pm.  That lasted overnight and was possibly the worst part of the whole induction.  I had basically one big cramp all night long and didn't sleep a wink.  We started pitocin at 6am on Monday morning and waited for things to kick in.  I had contractions all day, but nothing terribly painful and nothing at all productive.  By 6pm on Monday, I had only progressed to 2 cm so we stopped the pitocin and let me rest a bit.  We did Cervidil again overnight, but this time I took an Ambien so I slept through the night.  It was the first sleep that I had had since Saturday night so this was lovely.  The next morning (Tuesday) I still hadn't done much so we tried another treatment (Miso) and when that was over broke my water.  That happened at about 12 and by 1 I was having very strong, very regular contractions.  I had an epidural (heavenly) at about 4pm and found out that I had progressed to 7cm!  Awesome!  Things were looking great.  I was checked again a few hours later and was at 8...and then I stopped.  I stayed at 8 until about midnight when we decided to go ahead with a C-section.  At that point, I had been in labor since basically Sunday night and I was ready to have this kid out of me.  Keith was great throughout the C-section and everything went great!  Here's a pic of my new family right after....and I realize I look like shit but I just had surgery after a 2 day
Evan is doing fantastic.  He's a great baby, a good sleeper, a good eater, and super content to just hang out in his swing.  I'll be sure to post some more pictures up here as soon as I get them onto a computer.

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